The home of FORMAVOID
Next Generation Drainage
We believe in more than sustainable drainage - we believe in better drainage.
This is a mission to be more than sustainable and improve the way we manage stormwater. The devastating effects of flooding remain a constant threat, and traditional sustainable drainage systems are not enough. We have to adopt better drainage to implement improvements and reverse the effect.
Welcome to the next generation of drainage and stormwater management at source.
A simple way of enhancing traditional construction methods to create void space for managing rainwater at source.
The Formavoid® module is shaped to encourage aggregates into a series of columns & arches. Load is spread through the fill material to the columns, creating an extremely strong & robust product. The space beneath the arches remains open, creating a shallow void space beneath the surface which can be utilised for stormwater attenuation and management.
Subbase attenuation in the built environment | Sports field drainage | Podium deck & roof drainage
Reduce construction depth | Increase void/storage volume | Reduce carbon footprint | Reduce construction costs | No underground tanks

Product Features

Void ratio up to 70%.
Carbon neutral recycled polypropylene polymer
Nest stacking to achieve 88m² of product per pallet space.
Integrated clipping mechanism for installation speed.
Vertical compressive strength >120 tons/m².
High flow & permeability rate.

System Benefits

Reduce open graded subbase depth.
Increase void ratio of granular subbase.
Improve subbase stability.
Source control SuDS with no geocellular tanks.
Reduce construction carbon footprint.
Compliant with the CIRIA SuDS manual and accepted by SABs.

The perfect example of cost effective source control stormwater management - subbase attenuation.
The seamless integration of formavoid within a permeable construction provides a multitude of enhancements to permeable paving and subbase attenuation.
Reduce Construction Depth
Increased Void Ratio/Storage Volume of Subbase
Improved Aggregate Stability & Interlock
Better Flow & Permeability
Slope Storage (checkdams)

Water Management
Formavoid creates a uniform void blanket beneath sports field for high performance drainage, attenuation & water harvesting for sprinkler reuse. Reduced construction depths and stone import.
Air Management
A uniformly distributed pressure/vacuum blanket beneath the sports surface. The most advanced subsurface air transfer system in the world for natural and synthetic sports turf.